
Unconventional Strength Programs


What is MAPS?

  • Mobility
  • Athleticism (Core, Agility, Stability)
  • Power
  • Strength

Program is broken down into three, three week phases. Each phase consists of a five day program, with three MAPS training sessions per week, and two Kinstretch Sessions. Each strength workout is 51 minutes of intervals done for you via the Seconds App. All you have to do is download the application and all of the intervals are completed for you. Workouts are based on our principle of Movement Driven Strength and Conditioning where the goal is to develop strong, efficient movement acumen.  Team sports athletes require elite movement skills from varied positions and postures so by maximizing an athletes ability to move keeps an athlete durable and better able to adapt to the demands of their sport. This hierarchy is created to: 

    1. Mobilize the tissues and joints of the athlete to withstand the forces applied to them. 
    2. Create efficiency in change of direction both in the lower and upper body. 
    3. Develop explosiveness needed for any sport. 
    4. Enhance force production and range of motion of the whole body. 

Our Primary tool for achieving this is the TRX Suspension Trainer. The TRX Suspension Trainer gives us a modality that allows us to build every component of the MAPS program with just one piece of equipment. There are options for MAPS programs with featuring other pieces of equipment such as Battle Ropes, Kettlebells, and Steel Mace, but the requisite piece of equipment for any of the programs is the TRX Suspension Trainer. 

Who is the ideal MAPS Program Athlete and what level am I?

The ideal MAPS Program Athlete is one that desires the opportunity to improve their performance but understand heavy loads are not going to be the way to progress.  This athlete or athletes parents understand the need for proper programming, movement instruction, and durability for an upcoming season.  These programs are designed as preseason or offseason programs and not to be followed during in season competition. 

Level of MAPS Program is dictated by “Training Age.” Training Age is the age at which an athlete has been following a strength and conditioning protocol. A Simple Breakdown is as follows: 

  1. Level 1 Program: Training Age 0-2. Limited to no prior strength training experience. Youth athletes prior to high school. 
  2. Level 2 Program: Training Age 2-4. Prior strength training experience in a team setting or following a written protocol. Early high school or club level athletes. 
  3. Level 3 Program: Training Age 4+. Experienced in a strength and conditioning environment and a highly competitive athlete. Late High School or Early Collegiate Athletes. 

What will I need for the Program? 

As mentioned above you will need a TRX Suspension Trainer regardless of the program you choose along with a tennis ball, fitness or yoga mat and two yoga blocks. Some of the programs have other modalities (fitness equipment) assigned and you will want to check for the description of the program to find what equipment is necessary for completion of the program. 

How will I follow the program? 

You will be invited to download two free pieces of software to follow the programs. 

  1. Truecoach: Once you purchase the MAPS program, you will receive an invitation via email to be coached on the true coach platform. This platform will allow for detailed coaching, daily/weekly assignments, progress tracking, communication with Coach Grund, movement videos, and everything you will need to follow a detailed strength and conditioning program. This is also available in the IOS store as an app for download. 
  2. Seconds: As the entire program is built upon the idea of intelligent intervals, it can be cumbersome as an athlete to have to stop and program the intervals in yourself every time they change. Enter the application “Seconds.” With you purchase of the MAPS program, you will receive via email the intervals done for you already, and available to load into seconds for you to follow along. All you will have to do is hit start and go to work! Each intervals includes a description of the movement you are doing so there is no confusion. Simple, effective and user friendly. 

Ok Im in. What is the next step? 

Check out the Training Age explanations above and choose the program in the marketplace that works for you. You will then need to purchase the needed equipment and let us know when you want to start the program in the checkout details. Program and Intervals will be assigned via email and you are ready to start your journey to improved athletic performance and greater durability with the MAPS Protocol from Unconventional Strength. 

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